<article> <figure> <img src="http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/original/q4mwUw7Vu983QuLQDbzf6zWLZLr.jpg" title='London Spy' alt='London Spy'/> </figure> <h1>London Spy</h1> <p>Danny is a gregarious, hedonistic romantic who gets drawn into the dangerous world of British espionage in this contemporary, emotional thriller. He falls for the anti-social but enigmatic Alex, both from opposite worlds, and they soon realise they’re perfect for each other. But when Alex suddenly disappears, Danny is utterly ill-equipped to take on his complex and codified world. Young, innocent and adrift he needs to decide whether he’s prepared to fight for the truth?</p> <details><summary>Runtime: 60</summary> <summary>First air date: 2015-11-09</summary> <summary>Last air date: 2015-12-07</summary></details> </article>