<article> <figure> <img src="http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/original/9jlwGGx9zTkEV5mnuyQXDTUMCw3.jpg" title='Lost Girl' alt='Lost Girl'/> </figure> <h1>Lost Girl</h1> <p>Lost Girl focuses on the gorgeous and charismatic Bo, a supernatural being called a succubus who feeds on the energy of humans, sometimes with fatal results. Refusing to embrace her supernatural clan and its rigid hierarchy, Bo is a renegade who takes up the fight for the underdog while searching for the truth about her own mysterious origins.</p> <details><summary>Runtime: 44</summary> <summary>First air date: 2010-09-12</summary> <summary>Last air date: 2015-10-25</summary></details> </article>