<article> <figure> <img src="http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/original/k2gPN5eGbyd6PmZ1nDU0cB68ugs.jpg" title='The Horror of Dolores Roach' alt='The Horror of Dolores Roach'/> </figure> <h1>The Horror of Dolores Roach</h1> <p>Dolores discovers that the world has changed drastically upon her release from prison, and finds respite by working as a massage therapist in the basement of an empanada shop, run by her old stoner buddy, Luis. When the promise of her newfound stability is quickly threatened, “Magic Hands” Dolores is driven to shocking extremes to survive.</p> <details><summary>Runtime: </summary> <summary>First air date: 2023-07-06</summary> <summary>Last air date: 2023-07-06</summary></details> </article>