<article> <figure> <img src="http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/original/fhaZLQ7ACEujQLYjF102Y0EoBKB.jpg" title='Back in the Groove' alt='Back in the Groove'/> </figure> <h1>Back in the Groove</h1> <p>Three single women in their 40s, all stuck in the grind of their everyday lives, will check OUT of their comfort zones and check INTO The Groove Hotel, a magical resort on the beautiful island of the Dominican Republic - where the goal is to rediscover their youth, live joyously, and hopefully find love with men HALF. THEIR. AGE.</p> <details><summary>Runtime: </summary> <summary>First air date: 2022-12-05</summary> <summary>Last air date: 2022-12-06</summary></details> </article>