<article> <figure> <img src="http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/original/6lHnkhPB989IgQcB8kfIzQjT7W6.jpg" title='My Mom, Your Dad' alt='My Mom, Your Dad'/> </figure> <h1>My Mom, Your Dad</h1> <p>A group of single parents nominated by their college-age kids move into a house together for a second chance at love, unaware that their adult children are right down the street living in a second house, watching their every move through hidden cameras and manipulating their encounters. From humorous cringe moments to heartwarming confessions, the kids will see their parents in a whole new light as they are presented with opportunities to select who they’ll be matched with on one-on-one dates, and who may join the family Thanksgiving for years to come.</p> <details><summary>Runtime: 39</summary> <summary>First air date: 2022-01-13</summary> <summary>Last air date: 2022-01-13</summary></details> </article>