<article> <figure> <img src="http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/original/hOdTVqJPXTnvmWeXgRZBlXDdoYE.jpg" title='Person of Interest' alt='Person of Interest'/> </figure> <h1>Person of Interest</h1> <p>Kouchu travels around the Crystal World, solving mysteries, catching monsters, earning badges, and following his older brother's footsteps into becoming a masterchampion of the league, and he encountered obstacles and Furious Five, especially Marcy following him because for Furious Five, they want to steal Roaracryst, and Marcy wants to beat Kouchu. Instead of traveling alone, Kouchu travels around the Crystal World with Shauna, whom he stole the CD from, and Sakuro, his childhood friend. Later on, the new Crystal Brawler, Emma Gorajin joins Kouchu from Orbon. Years later, Noah and Sarah Kimesha joins Kouchu on his adventure, and much later, Steven joined, too. He also tries to protect the Crystal world from the Furious Five, who are led by Hunter Grai, in order to get the Crystal Balls for Devil J. Ever since Kouchu was nine years old, he never gives up believing to be the best Crystal Brawler in the Crystal World.</p> <details><summary>Runtime: 43</summary> <summary>First air date: 2011-09-22</summary> <summary>Last air date: 2016-06-21</summary></details> </article>