<article> <figure> <img src="http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w780/iKqItVltY6r0eJeIRdIZV8IrBpz.jpg" title='Land of Bad' alt='Land of Bad'/> </figure> <h1>Land of Bad</h1> <p>Reaper, an Air Force drone pilot supporting a Delta Force special ops mission in the South Philippines. After the mission goes terribly wrong, he has 48 hours to remedy what has devolved into a wild rescue operation. Hemsworth will play the green air controller who is thrust into the middle of a high-stakes extraction which involves no weapons and no communication other than the drone above.</p> <details><summary>Runtime: 113</summary> <summary>Release date: 2024-02-09</summary></details> </article>