<article> <figure> <img src="http://www.moviesom.com/resources/20150216211140social.jpg" title='Autumn' alt='Autumn'/> </figure> <h1>Autumn</h1> <p>Jean-Pierre is a hit man in Paris. He wants to stop; an incentive is reconnecting to Michelle, a childhood friend. He's ready to commit himself to her, but she has her own secrets: she sells bomb components to thugs. He hears rumors of a missing briefcase, which he finds in Michelle's flat. He asks no questions, and soon both of them are in trouble with Jean-Pierre's ex-employer and with her bomb buyers. Two other characters complicate the maneuvering: Jean-Pierre's best friend, who's always losing money on the ponies, and the ex-employer's new contract killer, a seemingly fragile woman. Is there any way that Jean-Pierre can protect Michelle and escape with his life? Written by</p> <details><summary>Runtime: 110</summary> <summary>Release date: 2004-09-10</summary></details> </article>