<article> <figure> <img src="http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w780/lxNG1eGsfY8yOeTSk66B5hrv6pZ.jpg" title='The Rules of the Game' alt='The Rules of the Game'/> </figure> <h1>The Rules of the Game</h1> <p>Considered one of the greatest films ever made, The Rules of the Game, by Jean Renoir, is a scathing critique of corrupt French society cloaked in a comedy of manners in which a weekend at a marquis’ country château lays bare some ugly truths about a group of haut bourgeois acquaintances. The film has had a tumultuous history: it was subjected to cuts after the violent response of the premiere audience in 1939, and the original negative was destroyed during World War II; it wasn’t reconstructed until 1959.</p> <details><summary>Runtime: 106</summary> <summary>Release date: 1939-07-09</summary></details> </article>