<article> <figure> <img src="http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w780/g6AmSANkj2B6K2BIZBuB6w4T05U.jpg" title='The Race' alt='The Race'/> </figure> <h1>The Race</h1> <p>Sami, Tacchini, Yaya and Kader are four small-time crooks from the suburbs of Paris. After a failed robbery, their boss, Carlito, sends them to Canada to spy on his fiancée. There, they are mistaken for a band of professional killers and are hired to assassinate the heiress Léonore de Segonzac...</p> <details><summary>Runtime: 94</summary> <summary>Release date: 2002-03-27</summary></details> </article>