<article> <figure> <img src="http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w780/q8aUbZKXL7SSbxVtXfBKFs2erV1.jpg" title='Gravestoned' alt='Gravestoned'/> </figure> <h1>Gravestoned</h1> <p>Shark and Coltrane, two out-of-work pot farmers really want to break into the movie business. So they chainsaw a cadaver’s arm off and use the severed arm as a prop in a horror film. Now they have to survive a night in the graveyard with a cadaver zombie that wants his arm back! Pot smoking slacker gravediggers, a movie goddess (Lar Park Lincoln, Friday the 13th Part 7), an obsessed movie mogul, a cadaver salesman, hot cheerleaders who may be exotic dancers, a redneck who would love to grill a severed arm and a horny Scottish Terrier - they’re all here in this over-the-top horror film for stoners that has been called the most ominous use of a severed arm in the history of celluloid.</p> <details><summary>Runtime: 92</summary> <summary>Release date: 2009-11-03</summary></details> </article>