Dark Regrets
Dark Regrets is the short film Horror /Thriller movie by Alex Gilbert. The movie was in Pre-Production since the end of 2009. Alex Gilbert found his cast and crew for the movie when Producer of the movie Angus McKay decided to help out. Angus helped write the movie along with Alex who wrote the draft of the movie in December 2009. Plot: "Freeman" is overrun by a Diary that controls his life for a week and he has to do as the Diary says or the person who is watching him "Mr X" will kill him. He has to hunt down people that he knows and what the Diary says is what Freeman has to do. The story goes back in time with same killings that happened in 1980 with a Diary and a man called Mr X. Freemans brother "Michael" follows Freeman and he slowly investigates the deaths of the same type of people that were killed in 1980 by a victim who is controlled by Mr X.