<article> <figure> <img src="http://www.moviesom.com/resources/20150216211140social.jpg" title='Permanent Vacation' alt='Permanent Vacation'/> </figure> <h1>Permanent Vacation</h1> <p>A camping trip results in some twisted family memories in this off-the-wall black comedy. Hoping for one last family vacation before his children leave the nest, laid-back dad Eric Bury (Frank Harper) takes his brood to a trailer park teeming with oddballs. The clan's plans for a relaxing holiday go down the drain as they encounter sex addicts, a sadistic cop (Michael Bowen), decapitated corpses, bloodthirsty fish and a sage (David Carradine).</p> <details><summary>Runtime: 93</summary> <summary>Release date: 2007-10-15</summary></details> </article>