<article> <figure> <img src="http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w780/w2l17pQotJ8b9kVuI4dOXZLPsyQ.jpg" title='A Monster with a Thousand Heads' alt='A Monster with a Thousand Heads'/> </figure> <h1>A Monster with a Thousand Heads</h1> <p>When Sonia receives the news that her husband’s cancer has progressed to a critical stage, she races to secure the insurance company’s approval for the care that can help him. Met with indifference and negligence at every turn, Sonia’s desperation triggers a primal survival instinct as a series of increasingly violent confrontations unfold. A sharp, urgent tale of a distraught woman intent on protecting her family at all costs, Rodrigo Plá’s latest film is an engrossing combination of thriller, drama and timely socio-political commentary. .</p> <details><summary>Runtime: 74</summary> <summary>Release date: 2016-03-30</summary></details> </article>