<article> <figure> <img src="http://www.moviesom.com/resources/20150216211140social.jpg" title='Sneakin' and Peekin'' alt='Sneakin' and Peekin''/> </figure> <h1>Sneakin' and Peekin'</h1> <p>We traveled to Indiana back roads to see and shoot the annual Miss Nude Universe Contest held at a “notorious” nudist camp. They wanted $15 a head at the gate so we parked down the road and crawled through the brush. Once in, we encountered truckers and hundreds of Sunday photographers straining for a shot at the contestants. Afterward we joined the quest for stray women willing to pose. After a quick success we headed home with our catch in the can.</p> <details><summary>Runtime: 15</summary> <summary>Release date: 1976-08-21</summary></details> </article>