<article> <figure> <img src="http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w780/uIglVQLeizWyAOpM7l5s6pTL668.jpg" title='Confessions of a Sociopathic Social Climber' alt='Confessions of a Sociopathic Social Climber'/> </figure> <h1>Confessions of a Sociopathic Social Climber</h1> <p>Social satire based on the best-seller by Adele Lang humorously chronicles the life of Katya Livingston, a self-centered, obnoxious and conceited 28-year-old ad sales exec who won't let anything or anyone stand in her way in getting to the top of the San Francisco social ladder.</p> <details><summary>Runtime: 96</summary> <summary>Release date: 2005-03-12</summary></details> </article>