<article> <figure> <img src="http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w780/2veIYaJUUZlFQirqvrd5mRA4ug8.jpg" title='Breaking the Silence' alt='Breaking the Silence'/> </figure> <h1>Breaking the Silence</h1> <p>Gong Li stars in this low-key drama about a single mother who will do anything to provide for her son. Sun Liying (Li) struggles to care for her hearing-impaired child Zheng Da (Gao Xin) after her taxi driver husband divorces her. After Zheng Da gets his hearing aid smashed in a fight with classmates, Sun Liying sets out to raise 5,000 yuan (a small fortune) to buy him a replacement. A friend helps her set up an unauthorized bookstall, which soon gets raided by the police. Later she splits her time delivering newspapers and cleaning house for a rich businessman. This film was screened at the 2000 Berlin Film Festival.</p> <details><summary>Runtime: 90</summary> <summary>Release date: 2000-05-26</summary></details> </article>