<article> <figure> <img src="http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w780/gK2S19NBe89RYNNhCkGP4KDH9Ar.jpg" title='Sex Is Zero' alt='Sex Is Zero'/> </figure> <h1>Sex Is Zero</h1> <p>At Sunjong University, a few students are serious, including Eun-hyo, who works hard at aerobics in hopes of doing well in a national competition. Most students goof off: drinking, partying, and focusing on sex. Eun-shik, a law student who's been in the military, is older but socially inept. He likes Eun-hyo; even though his earnest and simple side appeals to her, his juvenile excesses make him irrelevant when Sung-ok, a good-looking rich kid, charms Eun-hyo. They begin an affair, leaving Eun-shik on the sidelines. The national competition approaches and complications arise.</p> <details><summary>Runtime: 96</summary> <summary>Release date: 2002-12-12</summary></details> </article>