<article> <figure> <img src="http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w780/5di18eve0QBzdO4rEvwDl3c9aoz.jpg" title='Ghost in the Shell 2.0' alt='Ghost in the Shell 2.0'/> </figure> <h1>Ghost in the Shell 2.0</h1> <p>In the year 2029, Section 9, a group of cybernetically enhanced cops, are called in to investigate and stop a highly-wanted hacker known as 'The Puppetmaster'. Ghost in the Shell 2.0 is a reproduced version of its original 1995 counterpart. Among a numerous enhancements, for the film's 2.0 release, were a number of scenes were overhauled with 3D animation, visual improvements, and soundtrack rerecorded in 6.1 surround sound.</p> <details><summary>Runtime: 85</summary> <summary>Release date: 2008-07-12</summary></details> </article>