<article> <figure> <img src="http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w780/6O6YxSxF3NKa7BWrCmP3hLks0uX.jpg" title='Front Page' alt='Front Page'/> </figure> <h1>Front Page</h1> <p>Hui, an owner (Michael Hui) of a Hong Kong tabloid magazine company hires martial artist Bill Lee (Sam Hui) to help him get a good headliner for a magazine story to, hopefully, save his failing business. In the process, Bill meets San-San (Catherine Hung Yan), the girlfriend of a jewelry business owner. After thinking that this would make a great headliner, Bill feels sorry for San-San because of her troubled life: her mother has cancer, her brother is mentally disabled and her boyfriend prefers his work over her, and thus is reluctant to publish her story, putting the tabloid company's fate in his hands.</p> <details><summary>Runtime: 92</summary> <summary>Release date: 1990-08-24</summary></details> </article>