<article> <figure> <img src="http://www.moviesom.com/resources/20150216211140social.jpg" title='Suburbia Confidential' alt='Suburbia Confidential'/> </figure> <h1>Suburbia Confidential</h1> <p>In this '60s sexploitation double bill, director Stephen C. Apostolof proves that sex is sex -- whether it takes place in the wilds of suburbia or the confines of the workplace. In Suburbia Confidential, the housewives are horny -- and doing it with everyone from carpet salesmen to TV repairmen. In Office Love-In, Kathy Williams, Lynn Harris and Marsha Jordan star as Date-a-Mate employees who take their work seriously.</p> <details><summary>Runtime: 82</summary> <summary>Release date: 1966-11-28</summary></details> </article>